Registration for KCommodity V2.5a (Shareware product) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Name: ______________________________________________________________ Address: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Country: __________________ Phone: +____-(__)________-______________ EMail: ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ The data I provide here will be stored and processed electronically. It will not be given to anyone not involved in the production of KCommodity. German DM US$ I would like to get: o A registered KCommodity......................20.00 15.00 I would like to get a printed manual: o English TeX manual...........................10.00 10.00 o German TeX manual............................10.00 10.00 I live outside of Europe, but I DON'T WANT THE MANUAL. To cover the additional costs of air mail I add........5.00 5.00 I live outside of Europe AND I WANT THE MANUAL. To cover the additional costs of air mail I add.......15.00 10.00 I am sending... o a EuroCheque.................................--.-- --.-- o a postal money order.........................--.-- --.-- o a wire bank transfer.........................--.-- --.-- o cash (German DM or US $ only)................--.-- --.-- o any other cheque, bank draft or money order. To cover any costs I add........20.00 15.00 -------------------- This gives a TOTAL AMOUNT of ==================== Bank-Address : Sparkasse Hanau, Account 108023540, Bank-ID 506 500 23 Don`t forget to send the Registration form ! I have read the copyright and warranty stuff and agree with them. _____________________ ____________________________________________ (Date) (Signature)